Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Choosing your own species

The first assignment is almost here for our year long project.  This is what we are asking our students to do.  Hopefuly we will have a few great samples to share once the letters start rolling in. 

Dear Reader Directions:

Science is going to be SO amazing this year that you are going to get to write a book about it!  All great books have a great author behind them and it is important to the reader (me) to know you.  I want this to be a page (or two) where you introduce yourself. 

You might be wondering, “What is my book going to be about?”  This year, we are trying something new.  We asking each 7th grader to choose a threatened or endangered species that you are going to adopt and advocate for throughout the year.  At the end of each unit, you will add a new section to your book about how the topic relates to your chosen species. 

Directions:  Type a three paragraph letter telling the reader about you, your interests, your family, and the animal you are choosing to focus on this year and why.

Choosing an animal:

Use the websites below of threatened or endangered species and choose one that interests you.  Be sure to read the information provided about your animal and choose wisely.  You may not change species in the middle of the year!  Your animal must be chosen from one of these four websites unless you ask the teacher for approval of a different species. 



What is expected
Points Possible
Points Earned
Name, date, and formatting.
Letter should be typed - handwritten letter will not receive full credit.  It should include your first and last name in the first paragraph and be signed at the bottom.  The date should be present
First paragraph
Introduction of the author (you), information about your family, your interests and activities/hobbies. 
Second Paragraph
Explain what animal your book will be about; tell a little bit about the animal, why you chose it and why it is endangered. Include which website you used to choose your animal.
Third Paragraph
What do you need to learn in order to help your animal survive?  Come up with five questions to explore this year so that you are better prepared to help your species.
Pictures (2)
Include one of you and one of your animal.

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