Thursday, April 17, 2014

The To Do List

Do you ever have those weeks where you start off with a really big list of things to do, and towards the end of the week you realize that you have added more things that you have crossed off?  If so, then you can relate to this stage of expedition planning.

The big news, as Connie mentioned in her post, is that we were handed a big fat check.  As a teacher, it is not often that someone hands you (us in this case) thousands of dollars to be a learner, explorer and dreamer.  In fact in my 10 years as a classroom teacher, and Connie's 20 years in the classroom, this has never happened.  So, to say that our logistics coordination is a bit rusty when it comes to making this happen.  Granted, the idea behind Fund For Teachers is to learn, and it was continuously mentioned that we should expect surprise learning to take place.

Here are some of the skills I have developed just this week:

  1.  We have 7 new apps on my phone for things like TripAdvisor, US embassy, Thai language, and currency conversion calculators... and I am sure more by the time we leave.
  2. I am through lesson 6 of Pimslur's Conversational Thai.  What can I say?  I can ask if you understand English/Thai, where you are from? Basic directions, and if you want to eat rice/drink water/iced tea.  Hopefully "where is the bathroom?"  will come up soon.
  3. I have read three different guide books about Bangkok
  4. We have made international flight reservations and domestic flight reservations
  5. I have created a Google Map mapping out the route we want to take to see the things we really want to see for our one touristy day in Bangkok.
  6. We found a hotel in Bangkok.  This seems like such a little deal.  I assure you it is not.  
  7. We have started our excel budget spread sheet, and even our FFT expense reports.
  8. I am finished with the necessary paperwork for EarthWatch Thinking Like an Elephant expedition.
While this has been a lot to do in addition to our regular lives of being parents and teaching, there is still lots to do and learn. Up next:
  1. One more set of hotel reservations
  2. Packing list then acquiring or finding everything on that list
  3. unpacking things that make luggage over 40 lbs. (we are each allowed free 50 lbs, but I want to have extra for souvenirs.) 
  4. Dr. visits for vaccines and emergency travel medicine
  5. Finish teaching our kiddos for the next 5 weeks
  6. And Connie gets to go to the beach just before we leave.  

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